Golub GetHouse has extensive experience in managing real property funds.
At the moment, Golub GetHouse’s portfolio includes two real property funds that invest in commercial and residential real property projects in Poland:
The total value of projects implemented under these funds exceeds PLN 1 billion.
Investors of the real property funds managed by the Golub GetHouse Group are institutional and private investors, including but not limited to Polish open pension funds (OFE), family investment funds of affluent families, and private investors.
Golub GetHouse Property Fund II S.A. is a special-purpose vehicle to issue bonds and does not conduct an active economic activity. Golub GetHouse Property Fund II S.A. belongs to the Group Golub GetHouse, i.e. Golub GetHouse Realty Company Limited and their subordinates (hereinafter referred to as the “Golub GetHouse Group”).
Proceeds from the issue of bonds will be used for acquiring participatory certificates in the closed-end investment fund GGH Property Fund II FIZ the aim of which is to perform investments in property projects covering inter alia the construction of apartments for rent, the construction of student housing and other opportunistic real estate projects to be managed by Golub GetHouse Real Estate Investment Management Sp. z o.o., a company of the Golub GetHouse Group.
Golub GetHouse Property Fund II S.A. is a special-purpose vehicle to issue bonds and does not conduct an active economic activity. Golub GetHouse Property Fund II S.A. belongs to the Group Golub GetHouse, i.e. Golub GetHouse Realty Company Limited and their subordinates (hereinafter referred to as the “Golub GetHouse Group”).
Proceeds from the issue of bonds will be used for acquiring participatory certificates in the closed-end investment fund GGH Property Fund II FIZ the aim of which is to perform investments in property projects covering inter alia the construction of apartments for rent, the construction of student housing and other opportunistic real estate projects to be managed by Golub GetHouse Real Estate Investment Management Sp. z o.o., a company of the Golub GetHouse Group.
Soft copies of materials and information, to which you are intending to obtain access, were published on the website in connection with carrying-out a public offering of series A bearer bonds (“Bonds”) issued by GOLUB GETHOUSE PROPERTY FUND II S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”). Pursuant to Article 7(4)(2) of the Act on 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies (Journal of Laws No 184, item 1539 as amended) the public offering of the Bonds is carried out with no obligation to publish the issue prospectus. These materials and information are not intended for publication or distribution outside the borders of the Republic of Poland. By accepting the disclaimer provided below, you confirm reading the general terms and conditions of the public offering of the Bonds issued by GOLUB GETHOUSE PROPERTY FUND II S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw and accepting the restrictions covered by this disclaimer. The Offer of Purchase of Series A Bearer Bonds (“Offer of Purchase”) along with the enclosed terms and conditions for issue of the Bonds constitute the only and exclusive legally binding document containing information on the Company and the offered Bonds. The Offer of Purchase in electronic version is available at the Issuer website (www.golubgethouse.pl) and at the Underwriter - Vestor Dom Maklerski – website (www.vestor.pl).
The public offering of the Bonds is carried out within the territory of the Republic of Poland exclusively. Outside the borders of the Republic of Poland, this Offer of Purchase cannot be treated as an offer or proposal of purchase. Any offer of purchase of securities under the public offering should be submitted and any investor should invest only and exclusively on the basis of information covered by this Offer of Purchase. Neither the Offer of Purchase, nor the securities covered by such Offer, was not a subject of registration, approval or notification in any other country than the Republic of Poland. The securities covered by the Offer of Purchase may neither be offered nor sold outside the territory of the Republic of Poland (including the territories of the other EU Member States and the territory of the United States of America) unless such offer or sales could be finalized legally, without the need to fulfill any additional legal requirements in such other country. Any investor having the place of residence or seat outside the territory of the Republic of Poland should familiarize with any potentially applicable provisions of the Polish law and legislation of the other countries. Pursuant to the legal regulations in force in certain countries, familiarizing with information published on this website is prohibited in general or for the particular groups of people. Any person having its place of residence outside the territory of the Republic of Poland wishing to acquire access to this website must ensure that it is not bound by any domestic or local legal regulations prohibiting or limiting the access to information available on this website.
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Date | Number | Subject | Download |
Date | Number | Subject | |
07/07/2016 | EBI 8/2016 | Testowy raport | |
03/07/2016 | EBI 7/2016 | Testowy raport na testowy temat |